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DECEMBER 04, 2020



A brief summary of Oceanic Pelagic Zone:


The Evolution of oceanic Pelagic Zone marine fish in Pacific Ocean: Observation and Description

The oceanic pelagic zone is known to have one of the most tremendous marine fish deep  in the ocean. Oceanic pelagic zones can be in many forms across  the global areas of the seas. There are many areas where these zone levels can be found in every form, however, the pelagic zone is one of the most important parts where zone levels could be found compared to other areas of the seas that are close to the shore. Each level is known to have different species that are living in, and each species has their own habitats and living to their level of their adaptations. However, this could result in many different shapes and forms. The division of the seas levels has made it known to be part of the territory between species, where many of the marines cannot cross the boundary.

Key Words: Oceanic Zone, Marine, Pacific Ocean, Abyssopelagic Animal Zone, Anglerfish.


The Background of Oceanic Pelagic Zones and Its Divisions

Around the globe there’s only one ocean. The World ocean is divided into a number of principal areas with multiple relatively inhabited interchanges among them. The ocean is divided in many sections such as;  Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern. The existence of the Oceans has been around for so many years, each ocean zone is known to have different kinds of marine. The major factor of the ocean, the majority of the seas creations doesn’t have the ability to come across the shore, scientifical this could result in their level of adaptation where some of the mammals have the ability to see in the dark compared to the marines that have the potential to see the light. In fact, these marines can spend their entire lives not knowing what there are things that are exciting outside their world. In contrast, the deep opening of the sea, mammals and other organisms can have a high chance of experiencing the outside world in and out such as sea turtles, dolphins, sea lions, and killer whales.  There are the majority of sea marines that would not be able to survive outside of their territory, their survival will be based on their adaptations and the safety of their surroundings.


Types of Pelagic Zones, Characteristic, and Adaptations

In the world that is surrounded by ocean, there are many areas that the oceans have which is known as the Pelagic Zone. The pelagic zone is one of the water columns as part of the sea compared to other seas that are near the coast or the sea floor. Furthermore, the ocean has divided into multiple four sections such as; epipelagic zone, mesopelagic zone, bathypelagic zone, abyssopelagic zone, and hadopelagic zone. The following are the territory of the sea levels; Epipelagic Zone: Epipelagic zone is one of the upper layers of the ocean where there’s enough sunlight to algae, and processed by sunlight to produce food. Epipelagic zone reaches from the sea surface down to approximately 200 m (650 feet). The epipelagic is home to all sorts of animals, like whales, dolphins, sharks, and many other groups. Furthermore, the epipelagic zone are responsible for much of the original food production for the entire ocean and create at least 50% of the oxygen in the atmosphere (both through photosynthesis). Marines that live in the epipelagic zone may come into contact with the sea surface. Mesopelagic Zone: The mesopelagic zone which is also known as the middle ocean stretches from the bottom of the epipelagic down to the point where sunlight cannot reach. Around this zone, many marines that live in the Mesopelagic zone will have a speed adaptation due to the low quality of light such as Lantern Fish. Compared to the epipelagic zone, the mesopelagic zone is approximately 1000 m (3300 feet) deep and it’s very wide. Many of the fish live there and they adapt to the low quality of light and temperature. Bathypelagic Zone: The bathypelagic zone is found in between the mesopelagic zone and the abyssopelagic zone. It is nearly 1000-4000 meters deep, that being said no sunlight reaches this point, only bioluminescence. There are no plants due to the lack of sunlight and oxygen levels are very low. Organisms that live in the bathypelagic zone are either predators or survive on leftovers such as marine snow. Marine snow is dead animals, plants, and feces that fall from the top layers. The vampire squid is one of the animals who survives on marine snow. Vampire squids have bioluminescent organs and are able to glow at the ends of their tentacles for several minutes. Being that no sunlight reaches this level,  the vampire squid adapted this feature to get away from predators. 

Abyssopelagic Zone: The abyssopelagic zone is located right under the bathypelagic zone and above the hadopelagic zone. This zone got its name from the Greek meaning bottomless. Which is about 3000-6000 meters down. This zone is in complete darkness and contains little to no oxygen. Which can oftentimes be a death trap for organisms who find themselves deep in this layer. Although there is no sunlight, plants or oxygen, surprisingly many organisms are found here. “The abyssal zone is the largest living environment on earth, 60% of the earth’s surface ”. Due to marine snow the salt levels are very high in this zone. Many organisms in the abyssal zone are actually blind. One of them being the blind cusk eel, they have no eyes and even lack a swim bladder. Their skin is transparent and what’s even more interesting is that these organisms are underdeveloped. Hadalpelagic Zone: The hadalpelagic zone is the deepest layer of the ocean located under the abyssopelagic zone. Which is an average of 6,000 to 11,000 meters down. Being that this is the deepest layer many of it has been undiscovered. It’s name actually comes from Greek mythology, named after the God Hades underworld. The hadalpelagic zone is so far down that any human would be crushed instantly due to the pressure. It is said that only three people have ever gone down this far to explore the hadalpelagic zone. How is it that organisms can survive due to the pressure? Well they’ve  simply adapted, many of them don’t even have air spaces. A few organisms that live here are amphipods, snailfish, and cusk eels. 


Vampire squid 

Blind cusk eel (Ghost fish)


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